Know a good thing when you see it
We’re onto something special here at Blue Ridge.
Community focused
We live in the same areas we serve, allowing for a connection to our customers and our communities that others can’t offer
Always innovating
We’ve been at the forefront of communications technology since 1950 – and we’re still building the future (literally!)
Dynamic careers
We hope for you to see Blue Ridge as a career, not just a job, so we’re always offering opportunities for advancement
Great benefits
We offer all the benefits you expect, and then some – we like to think we’re worthy of bragging about at your next family BBQ
Collaborative culture
When you’re hired here, you’re on the team –it’s the best way to describe the friendly, encouraging, and collaborative culture we’ve created at Blue Ridge
Time spent on hiring is time well spent
Everybody does it a little differently. So, before you get started, here’s a little more about what to expect from Blue Ridge’s hiring process.
Step 1: Apply
Get the party started by filling out an application for the role you’re interested in. We promise we don’t have too many questions! Upload your resume and let us know when you think you can start. We’ll be in contact from there.
Step 2: Interview
If you’ve got what we’re looking for, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with several team members, including a relevant supervisor. Your interviews are just as much about getting to know Blue Ridge and the role as they are about us getting to know you. We look forward to learning more about you!
Step 3: Onboard and Train
You’re hired! Welcome aboard. Most of our roles offer comprehensive – and paid! – training that lasts several days up to several weeks depending on your role. When you’re done, you’ll know the ins and outs of our brand, our tech, and our team. We’ll throw a lot at you – but only because we know you can handle it! And we’ll be there to answer questions every step of the way.
Committed to our customers, our community, and to you
We work hard every day to connect our customers to the people, places, and things that matter the most to them. We can’t wait for you to join our team – and in our mission.