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Welcome to Blue Ridge Blog

We like to write about exciting things on our blog. Here's the latest.

Internet Provider Fees: Blue Ridge Remains Transparent

Live TV and Internet service pricing can often be frustrating, misleading, and full of hidden fees! Learn what to look out for in internet provider agreements.

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Our Top 3 Tips for Using Blue Ridge Stream

Our team is breaking down our top 3 tips for our next-generation streaming service, Blue Ridge Stream. Learn more about features including voice-control and more!

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Essential Apps to Meet Your New Year’s Resolutions

Here at Blue Ridge, we compiled a list of essential apps from the Google Play Store that may just help you create and reach your New Year resolution goals.

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eero WiFi App Tips and Tricks - Speed Tests, Data Usage & More

Make the most of your HomeFi system by exploring these great features in the free eero app.

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How to Test Your Internet Speed & Assess Results

From slaying digital zombies online with friends to scheduling dentist appointments via smartphone apps, the internet has crept into just about every area of our lives. Most Americans have some form of broadband internet in their homes.

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Winter Storm Safety Tips – How to Reduce Service Outages

Winter’s fury can unexpectedly impact your internet, TV & phone. Here are a few tips to stay safe this winter and reduce your chances of experiencing service outages.

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5 Holiday Online Shopping Safety Tips

If you’re one of the 99% of consumers shopping online these holidays, we can help protect your peace of mind from scammers with our top 5 safe shopping tips.

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Benefits and Advantages of Paperless Billing

Interested in a simple, free way to make your life easier while helping the planet stay a little greener? No matter what Blue Ridge services you enjoy in your home or business, paperless billing is available for your convenience, and there are plenty of reasons why you should take advantage of it.

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7 Home Office Setup Tips for Increasing Productivity

Like it or not, you're working from home now more than ever before. Here are some keys to making the most productive use of your home office time.

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