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We like to write about exciting things on our blog. Here's the latest.

Tips and Tricks: My Blue Ridge App

Ready to manage your Blue Ridge services from anywhere? Explore some of the great features that are just a few taps away in our bigger, better, bluer My Blue Ridge app.

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How Much Internet Speed Do I Need? – Gaming, Streaming, Etc.

When it comes to internet speed, most people would agree that faster is better. But how much do you really need for gaming, streaming, working from home, and more?

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10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Internet Speed & Increase WiFi Signal

Faster is better when it comes to the internet, but even if you’re paying for the speediest service your provider offers, there are plenty of things that can affect your network. Everyone’s setup is unique, but with a little effort, you can make your online experiences even better.

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How to Create Secure Passwords and Protect Them

When was the last time you changed your online passwords? Odds are that you’ve been using one or more of them for too long, and they may be easy for determined hackers to crack.

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6 Essential TiVo Voice Remote Commands and Shortcuts

What’s one of the most significant ways TiVo improves your TV time? Simple… Press it, say it, and watch it. The TiVo voice remote lets you control your TiVo experience with your voice, making it easier than ever to watch your favorite shows and movies.

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6 Online Learning Tips for Students and Parents

Online learning can provide a rich, quality education under the right circumstances. As many students prepare to learn from home, we’re offering a few tips to help your child get the most out of it.

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How to Limit a Child’s Screen Time – Benefits of Cutting Down

Limiting your child’s screen time (for non-beneficial) use may be difficult, but it has several benefits. Learn the best ways to start cutting down your child’s screen time!

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Starting Online Gaming? – Top Things Gamers Should Consider

Thinking about making the move into online gaming? See whether you should get a gaming desktop or laptop and other important features to consider.

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Teaching Your Kids About Social Media

Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with friends and loved ones, but it can also lead to unintended consequences if used improperly. Learn how to teach your kids about social media.

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